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Dear friends of our sport,
Welcome to our website. We hope you have fun reading all of this.
Our combination exist of Dries de Hoogh, Gert de Hoogh and Danny de Hoogh. Dries (73) has held pigeons for over 50 years with a lot of success. Gert (47) started the pigeon sport when he was 10 years old and joined the name D. de Hoogh en zn.
Danny is in charge of the commercial part and helps taking care of the pigeons if necessary. This means the combination exists for 37 years. Dad and grandpa Gerrit en the brothers Frans and Kees, who unfortunately died way too young, also succesfully held pigeons. Sjef (another brother) lives and plays with pigeons in Waspik. They were one of the best players in the middle of Brabant and Z.N.B. in the 70's and 80's, known under the name Gebr. De Hoogh (Oosterhout) and Fr. De Hoogh (Rijen). Dries has played together with his brother Frans from 1970 until 1983.
Gert-Jan de Hoogh is the son of the twin brother of Dries and also has pigeons. Danny also has a combination with his uncle under the name Comb. Van Vugt- de Hoogh. You can imagine we are a real pigeons family.
We have a total of 140 pigeons in the winter, 70 couples in total, 8 nest couples, 16 breeders and the others are meant for the later widowhood. We breed about 80 youngsters for ourselfs a year. From 1996 until 2006 we only played long distance, extreme long distance and ZLU. We did that with great succes. After this we went back to our former love the middle distance and long distance.
The pigeons are coupled between the 6th and 15th of January. We move the eggs of the best couples and breeders so we have more younsters of these pigeons. At the extreme long distance we take one of the two youngsters to the youngster cage with a hen. The other youngster is brought up by the cock. The are then darkened until two weeks before the first extreme long distance flight. This is different with the short distance. These pigeons stay together ans remain on the eggs After the last middle distance they will be reconnected to play with the hens on the natour
During the race season we release the widowers for 45 minutes in the morning and an hour in the evening. They are cleaned and if you do this together it will take no time. We then go to our special booth in the garden and look at the pigeons while we drink a cup of coffee. As a part of the De Hoogh tradition we have gravel sand at the bottom of our cage. This is easier to clean. During the race season we take away the gravel sand from the widowers and replace this with anise sand. We release the youngsters in the afternoon at first about two weeks before the races start. They will also be darkened. Two weeks before the races we start to release the youngsters twice a day. We always start by bringing them away ourselfs for a trial flight before we give them away for a real race. They are obligated to fly with the flag. They are all together for the first weeks and then we separate the males from the females. All the younsters have to come and this also is the case for the marathon pigeons. We usually play 8 to 10 promissing cocks on the late tour. At the end of September we separate them all. If the weather permits it the pigeons go outside in the moulting period.
We divide our tasks as follows. Dries takes care of the pigeons during the day and he does the administration at night. Gert takes care of the widowers and youngsters during the frace season. He also puts the pigeons in the baskets, turns off the clock and visits the champions days. And then we have Danny. He is in charge of the commercial part and visits the champions days with Gert.
Extreme long distance:
By crossbreeding our old pedigree with pigeons from other pigeons sport lovers from our region, we have breeded an all round stock of pigeons. This pedigree has apeared from this marathon: from our old kind with Theo de Jong, Noordhoek, G.J. de Hoogh en zn, Oosterhout, C.J. de Heijde, Made, Ko van Dommelen, St. Philipsland
en v/d Wegen, Steenbergen. And shortly also pigeons from Verweij - de Haan.
Short/Middle/Long distance:
For the short distance, middle distance and long distance 80% of our pedigree exists of Gebroeders Scheele, Terneuzen. And because of them also of now a day pigeons sport lovers W.A. de Bruijn, G. & S. Verkerk, Gerard Koopman, etc. Also Heijblom - van Strien, Raamsdonk en Sjef de Kort, Oosterhout. And of course we can not forget that our number one breeder is a descendant of G.J. de Hoogh en zn. Child of a marvelous couple.
We mix different brands of forage. We buy all the forage at Ronny van Tilburg (Zondereigen, Belgium).